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Planned Analysis of FY 2014 Inventory

I. Background

Pursuant to Section 743(f) of Division C of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act, P.L. 111-117, the following planned analysis of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) FY 2014 Service Contract Inventory is provided. Per the December 2011 guidance issued by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), each agency shall also submit to OFPP a planned analysis identifying which special interest functions in its FY 2014 inventory will be evaluated for analysis in FY 2015.

Based on Section B.2. of OFPP's December 2011 guidance the Commission shall submit a planned analysis identifying which special interest functions in its FY 2014 inventory will be evaluated for analysis.

II. Special Interest Functions for Evaluation

One (1) special interest functions displayed in the table below was selected for analysis based on the critical nature of the function.

Special Interest Function Code Description of Function Dollars Obligated in FY 2014

III. Rationale for Function Code Selected

Function code R499 accounted for 1% of total obligations for EEOC in FY 2014 with 50% of the obligations for this function under the Fixed-Price contract type and nearly 50% classified as the labor-hour contract type. Based on the FY 2014 inventory data, 87% of the dollars were obligated under code R499 for small business.

OMB's November 2010 guidance states that agency reviews shall give priority consideration to agency use of contracted (a) professional and management services and (b) information technology support services. Further, a December 2011 GAO Report (GAO-12-87) recommended service code R499 for inclusion in the list of special interest codes.