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EEOC FY 2006 Performance Budget Highlights

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • The EEOC is requesting a budget of $331,228,00 and 2,400 full-time equivalents (FTE) for fiscal year 2006 to allow EEOC to continue its enforcement and outreach program while repositioning the agency for improved services.
  • This request represents an increase of $ 4.4 million, 1.3 % over the level in the fiscal year 2005 budget which is $326.8 million.
  • The budget request includes funding for a 2.3% pay raise consistent with Administration policy.
  • The budget includes $2.5m to fully fund the operation of the National Contact Center.
  • The budget request includes $33 million for our State and Local partners, the Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) for their vital enforcement role. The funds also support the 64 Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs), providing outreach and training to address the specific equal employment issues facing the Native American community.
  • The budget request provides no increases for the litigation, contract mediation and outreach programs because of the increased payroll costs.
  • The FY 2006 Performance Budget fully integrates our budget request with our Strategic Plan objectives and performance measures.
    • Continued emphasis on quality. Quality of service-prompt, responsive, professional service - must drive all we do.
    • Ongoing efforts to examine our operations and pursue strategies that make for a more customer-centered, results-oriented and performance-driven agency.

This page was last modified on February 14, 2005

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